Create a Realm of Knowledge

In this modern connected society, it is extremely hard to not leave a virtual breadcrumb trail of your life online. This is aided by a series of online tools designed to document and distribute knowledge to the most minutiae level. This knowledge is even more prevalent than was once found in...

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Proving Expertise

As discussed earlier in this blog, it is important to publish thoughts and ideas in order to exist on the social network. However, it is equally as important to know what to communicate and what not to communicate within these channels. If one writes simply to let others know they exist, it will...

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Self Publishing

The first barrier that any nanocelebrity must cross in order to expose themselves to the larger online community is to self-publish. If we are to believe that academics must “publish or perish,” then a person seeking to be a nanocelebrity must publish or never exist. This may be the most...

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The Interworkings

Rex Sorgatz wrote last year about the concept of the nanocelebrity when he wrote "[t]he point is that renown is no longer the exclusive province of a select few. Nano-celebrity is there for the taking, if you really want it." I believe that he was talking about celebrity at the...

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Strength in the Community

It is very easy to dismiss the concept of the nanocelebrity if you do not take into account several of the factors that make online socialization different from traditional socialization and traditional mediation. Lev Grossman began to explore these factors when Time named “You” the Person of the Year in...

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The Era of the Nanocelebrity

Theresa Senft and Clive Thompson first put out the idea of the microcelebrity a few years ago, an individual who is promote him or herself on the media and channels that are available to her or him and broadcasts that presentation to the general public and generally has an audience...

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