
The nature of studying communication and its impact on society means highlighting the gaps of knowledge in the realm of the known that I’ve spent most of my adult life researching, critiquing, and explaining. I felt a particular knowledge gap was worth discussing in the postscript of my latest book,...

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A Conceptual Framework

Today theme/topic of study: A Conceptual Framework Opening Musical Playlist: Scott Bradlee’s Postmodern Jukebox Readings: “Chapter 1: A Conceptual Framework” from Paul McLean’s “Culture in Networks.” Encoding and decoding affordances- Stuart Hall and interactive media technologies Theories: Shared Social Experiences Encoding/Decoding Transmission Model of Communication Communities of locus, practice, interest,...

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Happy 2019, Let’s Make It a Good One

One of the traditions from the old site was to give an end-of-the-year review that would focus of the issues surrounding computer-mediated communication, cyberculture, or some tangent of those themes and what I thought might happen in the upcoming year regarding those concerns. I thought it would be a good...

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NCA2018 Recap

Communication at Play was a beautiful theme for the National Communication Association 2018 annual conference (NCA2018). I thought the event as a whole was an excellent opportunity for scholars from various locations, academic backgrounds, and research practices to come together and celebrate what defines our discipline. This post is a...

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Guided Ethnography

The third method that I used in my dissertation was the guided ethnography. The purpose of the post is to describe in some detail the process I used and the rationale why I followed this process. This section began at the end of the interview stage. The ethnography was designed...

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Create a Realm of Knowledge

In this modern connected society, it is extremely hard to not leave a virtual breadcrumb trail of your life online. This is aided by a series of online tools designed to document and distribute knowledge to the most minutiae level. This knowledge is even more prevalent than was once found in...

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Happy @)!)

Well friends, another year has come and went. As it seems to be tradition, I'm going to try once again to put together some thoughts on the year that was and what I see happening next year. Portable computing will continue to evolve: One of the areas of growth in...

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Proving Expertise

As discussed earlier in this blog, it is important to publish thoughts and ideas in order to exist on the social network. However, it is equally as important to know what to communicate and what not to communicate within these channels. If one writes simply to let others know they exist, it will...

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