Space within the Micropublishing Realm

Space within the Micropublishing Realm

It is really easy to feel overwhelmed by the amount of information and amount of personalities that can exist within the online environment. Part of the strength and weakness of this area is the ability of anybody who has the time, access and the will to do so can so. With more and more channels appearing in the online world, it seems that many people can speak on a particular niche topic and have an audience as long they can speak to their audience with an authentic voice and create a space for themselves in whatever channel they use to express themselves.

To create this space, it is important to look at the channel as a whole. The key part to any social network is the social nature of the network. People will interact on these network based on the limitations of the network. With 140 characters, there is a limited amount of information that one can present. If the main method of communication within the network is pictures, text would have a much more limited roles. By observing how people communicate on the network, one can get a better grasp on how to create space on the network.

Shane Tilton

Dr. Shane Tilton is an associate professor at Ohio Northern University. He was awarded the 2018 Young Stationers’ Prize & twice awarded Outstanding Adviser honors from the Society for Collegiate Journalists in 2015 (Outstanding New Adviser) and 2018 (Outstanding Adviser). His published works include the role of journalism in society, the role of new media systems on culture and the pedagogy of gaming. His work on social media and university life earned him the BEA 2013 Harwood Dissertation Award.

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SxSW 2019

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