Gaia as a Cybergoddess

After finishing my dissertation, I wanted to archive some of my previous presentations. During the course of looking through old submissions, I came across the first presentation I did as a grad student and academic professional. Ohio University hosted Global Fusion 2005. My masters' cohort at the time figured that...

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The Self Online

The self online borrows on the work done by Henri Tajfel, John C. Turner and Sherry Turkle. Tajfel and Turner approached the self online through the development of Social Identity Theory, which looked at the concept of the self as a different construct depending on the social environment, the group...

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Moving forward…

After reading many articles on sociable media and listening to conference presentations, I wanted to focus on the connection between the technology, students and the social psychological aspects of student development. It seems that Facebook exists between the confines of the technology and the participatory culture that's developed around the...

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The Role of the Researcher

Me back in my Radio Shack days working on my dissertation. This article formed part of my proposal. The reason that I want to use a triangulation method is that I believe that the convergence of different methods can lead to a better understanding of the research and the "gaps...

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Research Methods…

The purpose of my dissertation will be to observe incoming "traditional freshmen" (e.g. 18- to-20 year old students coming to college for the first time) at three Midwestern universities whose hometowns are small towns, where the population is less than 5,000 residents, and see how those freshmen use Facebook as...

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Dissertation Breakdown Part 2

Berger adds several concepts to the discussion, including how filters used by individual users of a community can impact the methods of communication used by their community. His work also helped begin the debate on approaching this research for a multi-disciplinary framework, as Berger's work used elements from history, sociology,...

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Presentation of the Cyberself

Online bulletin boards systems have been around since the era of BBS, MUDs, the WELL project, and the USEnet system. Members within the bulletin board group construct their virtual space to fit the needs of the group. Symbols are used and maintained by the group. Communal social experiences are replayed...

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