Cyber Dreaming (on Such a Winter’s Day)

After being stuck inside my house for 3 days, I decided for new ways to connect myself with the outside world. I figured that there were pretty good odds that one of the people on these networks lived in a place that wasn't getting bombarded with an onslaught of snow....

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Cybersecurity and You!

It seems that I've been focusing a lot on security and fraud on microblogging sites. However, there is more online than microblogging sites, despite my attraction to the concept. As a way of approaching cybersecurity, I finished reading the Center for Strategic and International Studies' Commission on Cyber Security for the...

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Socializing in the “Awesome Depression”

Scott Brown wrote a humorous article in Wired Magazine regarding how our generation would deal with depression the likes that have only been seen by our great-grandparents during the "Great Depression." The question that comes from this half-hearted look into the future is what are we doing to prepare for...

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Phishing on Twitter

It is a rare occurrence that I would stumble across a timely topic. However, it seems that my theoretical academic discussion has turned into a real-world threat. I've been working all day, and I finished eating dinner when I see the warning issued by Twitter. The questions that I asked...

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One More for the Road…

Twitterkins lead me down another thought path when he tweeted me "who'd impersonate me when they'd gain nothing? Do identity thieves twitter? Like, to make it 'look good?'" I really don't have a good answer to this question. Also, I figured that this question deserved more than a simple 140 character...

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