Guided Ethnography

The third method that I used in my dissertation was the guided ethnography. The purpose of the post is to describe in some detail the process I used and the rationale why I followed this process. This section began at the end of the interview stage. The ethnography was designed...

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What are Cyberstudies?

This question must be addressed before this blog can discuss the issues mentioned in the first article. Cyberstudies are more than the casual observation of the Internet and other similar modes of telecommunication. It must be conducted with the passion of academic interest, the zeal of discovering connections and applied...

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The 42 Chronicles Redux

Note: The original title for my website was going to be the 42 Chronicles. Based on Douglas Adams' Answer to Life, Universe, and Everything.  After researching cyberjournaling and cyberjournalism for the past 18 months, I decided to make a new year resolution. I'm going to actually start a blog. I'm not...

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