e-portfolios can help students show off their work in a format that employers would like (graphic/Giulia Forsythe)
One of the key areas that I wanted to focus on this academic year was to create classes that would be beneficial to the local community. According to the Associate Dean and other colleagues of mine, a key skill set that could help the local community was knowing how to create e-Portfolios. For those not familiar with e-Portfolios, e-Portfolios are a combination resume, website, blog, and portfolio. There seemed to be a couple of standards that e-Portfolios followed. So, I proposed an e-Portfolio workshop that was one-third resume-building seminar, one-third career counseling and one-third website development. The main purpose of the class is to show the student how to create a website that allows them to promote themselves to prospective employers. I wanted the format to be flexible enough to accommodate a wide variety of career while at the same time could be narrowed to focus on one field of study. I’ve included the syllabus in the post.