Author: Shane Tilton

Dr. Shane Tilton is an associate professor at Ohio Northern University. He was awarded the 2018 Young Stationers’ Prize & twice awarded Outstanding Adviser honors from the Society for Collegiate Journalists in 2015 (Outstanding New Adviser) and 2018 (Outstanding Adviser). His published works include the role of journalism in society, the role of new media systems on culture and the pedagogy of gaming. His work on social media and university life earned him the BEA 2013 Harwood Dissertation Award.
Moving forward…

Moving forward…

After reading many articles on sociable media and listening to conference presentations, I wanted to focus on the connection between the technology, students and the social psychological aspects of student development. It seems that Facebook exists between the confines of the technology and the participatory culture that’s developed around the superstructure of Facebook. Jenkins would …

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Hyperscholarship and i-Research

Hyperscholarship and i-Research

Beyond my personal ontological & epistemological tenants, I feel I need to address the broader issues of research which fit into the realm of hyperscholarship. I am borrowing the term hyperscholarship and its content from the study conducted by Patricia Harkin. She uses the term hyperscholarship as a means of providing a mode to connect …

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Statement of Researcher’s Vision

Statement of Researcher’s Vision

My interest in researching online social networks, especially Facebook, comes from my interest in other writers such as Howard Rheingold, Pierre Levy, and Henry Jenkins and their work looking at symbolic interactionism within social networks. Rheingold’s methods always looked at the vortex between technology, culture and critical analysis. The “technologies of cooperation” described by Rheingold …

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Proposed Research Protocol

Proposed Research Protocol

The plan for this research project will follow a linear triangulation progression, as opposed to a composite triangulation progression. A linear triangulation progression allows the first method to be thoroughly analyzed before beginning the second method. A composite triangulation progression would attempt to complete all of the methods around the same time frame and would …

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The Role of the Researcher

The Role of the Researcher

The reason that I want to use a triangulation method is that I believe that the convergence of different methods can lead to a better understanding of the research and the “gaps of knowledge.” Triangulation studies are defined as a “comparison of two or more forms of evidence with respect to an object of research …

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Research Methods…

Research Methods…

The purpose of my dissertation will be to observe incoming “traditional freshmen” (e.g. 18- to-20 year old students coming to college for the first time) at three Midwestern universities whose hometowns are small towns, where the population is less than 5,000 residents, and see how those freshmen use Facebook as a coping mechanism. Facebook is …

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Theory, Sort of…

Theory, Sort of…

A majority of the analysis will come under the theoretical framework already laid out by Jenkins and Rheingold. Henry Jenkins has been a tremendous influence on my work for the past couple of years. “Convergence Culture” is a strong theoretical work and an exemplar of praxis in the field. Jenkins explains the connection between new …

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Dissertation Breakdown Part 2

Dissertation Breakdown Part 2

Berger adds several concepts to the discussion, including how filters used by individual users of a community can impact the methods of communication used by their community. His work also helped begin the debate on approaching this research for a multi-disciplinary framework, as Berger’s work used elements from history, sociology, anthropology & mathematics to examine …

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Dissertation Breakdown

Dissertation Breakdown

As for the breakdown of the rest of the dissertation, the paper will break into the thematic and methodological issues present during the course of the research process. I believe the discussion will focus on how each method helps add to the breadth of the overall research project. The first chapter of this project will …

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My Research…

My Research…

After reviewing the literature associated with this field of study, it suggested to me to look at online social networks from the online-offline dynamic. The online-offline dynamic is defined as the ability of an online social network to develop and maintain relationships and transfer those relationships to the real world environment. Therefore, it seemed that …

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