2015 BEA Two-Year/Small College Business Meeting Minutes
April 14, 2015
District 7
8:13 Jim Crandall started the District 7 meeting and handed out the “Lucky 7” stickers
8:16 The members present introduced themselves. There were a total of 11 people in the room.
8:20 Jim brought up the idea to include small colleges into District 7.
What defines a small college?
We need a seat on the board.
Small colleges are more likely to be ignored
2 Year/Small College
9:03 Troy Hunt called the meeting to order
9:06 Minutes were approved
9:08 Donna Gough, Claflin University was named as Vice-Chair of the Division
9:10 Troy handed the gavel to Tom McDonnell
9:12 Brian Shelton gave the Festival of Arts reports
Quality was less than ideal
Award of Excellence was added to the Festival
Only institutional members can submit to the festival
9:14 Denise Young, the program chair, thanked the division for their submissions. 2016 theme is “Content is King.”The association is looking for creativity in the submission process.
9:17 The interest division rep spoke:
There will be an advance list of paper to look over for crossover
More papers in the research papers competition
Divisions have $500 to spend for division needs.
BEA only survive because of its members.
Michael is open from feedback from the membership.
9:20 Bob Mott, was elected co-chair of the Festival of Arts
9:25 Panel ideas:
“Storytelling coming of age”
Shane: Media hub
Donna: Program review recommend that addition of other department to the program
Lisa: What are the high school during these
Media convergence transition the curriculum
Raymond Anderson: Sterling College
Social media services with students use of transitional media
Jeff St, York College of Penni
Bianca: Integrated Communication
Jay Mims : Examination of the rise of serialization storytelling (change from stand-alone)
Troy Hunt
Smartphone use in classroom
Privacy issues during table-read
(Law & Policy)
“Are you still here?”
Tyler: Right kid, right seat: how do you recruit that kid out of high school?
Telling your own story
Denise: Working with admissions
Lisa: How to present strength and weaknesses of the different institutions
Sheila: How do you put your best face forward for your department?
Gwen: Has broadcasting lost is luster? (game (Does our program tell the right story?)
Mark (Western Carolina): Federal Funding for Two-Year Schools? “Holy crap, what if this happens?”
Gwen: What happened to OK with a similar programs
Jay: Framing faith in our program/ religious media
Production Showcase: Brian S & Denise
Gwen: How successful is a 2+2+2 program
Brian: How does to concurrently enrolled student being encouraged to work outside of the classroom? best practices: roundtable
10:08 Brian Shelton promoted the need for judges for the festival and asked for volunteers.
10:10 Jim discussed the possibly of a new interest division related to religious media.
10:12 Los Angeles Community College has a couple of positions opened.
10:14 Ohio Northern University has a single position opened
10:15 Claflin University has a single position opened.
Respectfully submitted by Shane Tilton on April 4, 2016